Tuesday 24 September 2013

Thursday 2 May 2013

First shot

   As the snow falls from the trees of a Siberian forest,the sun light breaks through the cold shell of dark clouds and illuminates the forest,telling it it's time to wake up. You can hear the birds chirping and feel how life around the forest is moving faster than anything you could've seen in your life.

   But suddenly everything stops. Not a single sign of life,movement or sound can be noticed. Until a dark figure crookedly runs past our attention. At first thought you might think it was a hurt animal. You got one thing right. It was hurt. The "thing" that was running was a man,in his 30's covered in ripped clothes and deep bruises and cuts. As he was running down a forest path,he trips on a tree root,falling down a snowy hill.

   As you see the man falling down,rolling and hitting trees,rocks and hill bumps. So many questions come to mind. Who is this man? Why is he hurt? Why is he wearing a blue summer shirt and shorts in the middle of a snowy forest? Where is he running to? And is this man really the reason the forest became silent? But as he finally hits the button of the hill,his barely breathing expression renders any situation of any questions. This is not a situation for questions.

   As he tries to catch his breath as quick as he can,a presence so quite,yet so powerful appears behind him,watching him. The man slowly turns around to at least look in the eyes of what is waiting for him. And what his gaze fell upon was nothing other than a Siberian Tiger. Over two hundred kilos of pure inhuman destruction.

   The Tiger released a roar so strong,that animals miles away knew what's going on. As he finished his "declarative presentation" he start slowly moving towards his target,who at that point already given up on life and silently awaited his fate.

   But as he took the decisive step,at which he only needed to lower his neck and proceed with his  natural instincts,something different happened. A strange sounds came from the bushes behind the man. The sounds touched both the man's and the tiger's curiosity. And suddenly the rustling sounds became quite. The tiger thought that it was simply a lesser creature who was simply caught in the moment and used this chance to escape. So without further a do his attention came to the task at hand.

  As the tiger opened his large mouth,out of the bushes,a tank flew over them at high speed, Drifting and stopping five or six steps away from the,startling both the hunter and the hunted. As the tank stopped,a bear popped out on top of it,juggling colorful balls. The tiger exploded. The man turned in to a fruit cup.

The End.

Saturday 27 April 2013




Sunday 21 April 2013

Panda mania

A recycled project,still pretty proud of it.

Wednesday 30 January 2013